Wednesday 27 May 2020


The origins of the modern day expressions of Pentecostal Christian experience and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit's empowering to operate in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, as outlined in 1 Corinthians 12 can be traced back to the phenomenal outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Los Angeles, California at an old weatherboard building, which had had various uses, including that of horse stables.

A young, black preacher, the son of former slaves, and who had lost the sight of one eye from smallpox - was to be anointed mightily by the Holy Spirit to lead one of the greatest moves of the Holy Spirit with accompanying signs and wonders - in modern history. William J. Seymour has been called the "Catalyst of Pentecost."
In his book "GOD's GENERALS" by Roberts Liardon, in the chapter about William Seymour, he writes:Serving as the "catalyst" of the "Pentecostal Movement" in the twentieth century, William J. Seymour turned a tiny Los Angeles horse stable on Azusa Street into an international centre of revival. Because the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues was a major part of the meetings held there, Seymour became the leader of the first organized movement that promoted that experience. At Azusa, blacks, whites, Hispanics, and  Europeans all met and worshipped together, crossing formerly impossible cultural lines. Although the success of the revival was short-lived, we still enjoy its fruits. Today, Azusa remains a common word within God's household.

Later in this same chapter of the book, Roberts Liardon writes in a section headed: THE LEGACY OF POWER …….the results of his efforts between 1906 and 1909 produced and exploded the Pentecostal Movement around the world. Today, many denominations attribute their founding to the participants of Azusa. Most of the early Assemblies of God leaders came out of Azusa. Demos Shakarian, the founder of the Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship, said his grandfather was an original Azusa member. The evangelistic efforts of the Valdez family, the Garr family, Dr Charles Price and countless others are also linked to this revival.

Probably everyone in the Pentecostal Movement today can attribute their roots, in some way, to Azusa Street.

While a student at Christian Life Bible College in Lower Hutt, New Zealand in the seventies, I well remember being inspired by the visiting ministry of A.C. Valdez, one of the pioneers of the Assemblies of God  in Australia and New Zealand. He was in his eighties but still full of the fire of God to see revival and multitudes swept into the Kingdom of God. He came to New Zealand in 1977 with Pastor Jack Hayford as part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the AOG in New Zealand.

Since the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Azusa Street Mission, numerous Pentecostal movements have been established throughout the world, and from 1960, mainline denominations began to be impacted by Pentecost as the Charismatic and Third Wave Movements followed through the next couple of decades. Dennis Bennett, an Episcopal rector announced to his congregation in California in 1960 that he had received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, with speaking in tongues. This was in effect, the beginning of the Charismatic Renewal which touched denominations across the broad spectrum of Christian churches, including the Roman Catholic church.

Each year, fifty days following Resurrection Sunday (Easter), the Christian Church worldwide celebrate Pentecost Sunday. This year, with the COVID-19 restrictions and churches unable to meet together in person, there is an extraordinary sense of expectation building for what the Lord God has in store for Christ followers leading up to, and particularly during the Pentecost weekend -  this coming weekend, May 30 and 31. Prophetic voices and Pentecostal pastors have sensed something is about to break - in the Spirit, like a tsunami wave upon the church - not to bring destruction, except in the sense of seeing strongholds of the enemy broken and the Lord Jesus Christ being exalted in all His glory and majesty. This new crashing wave of the Holy Spirit's love and power will not only impact the Church, but will be a divine catalyst to see multitudes swept into the kingdom of God, being radically saved and healed and delivered and filled with the Holy Spirit, to, in turn lead many others to new life in Christ! For the church of the Living God, it can be truly said: "We have come to the kingdom for such a time as this!"

If you have read this blog and would like to know how to become a Christian, and to start a new life with hope for now and for the future, and to know God's deep abiding peace, one resource I can point you to is: This is the online home of Vision Christian Media in Australia, which includes Vision Christian Radio - broadcasting to well over 700 cities, towns and small communities across Australia.
Click on "Grow your faith", then "Looking for God?" God Bless


Coming this Weekend May 30 and 31

Hosted by Living Waters Christian Centre, Campania, TASMANIA


Online Services
Saturday and Sunday 30 May and 31 May
10am Both Days

Facebook: Anthony Ray Castro

Phil King: A gifted singer, song-writer and musician, a revivalist, worship leader at Gateway Church, Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.
He has ministered alongside highly acclaimed Christian music artists including Michael W. Smith, Lauren Daigle and Leeland

Lana Vawser: A recognised and respected prophet, who with her husband, Kevin head up Lana Vawser Ministries. Her many online posts, articles, several books and videos have inspired and blessed many in the Body of Christ. Her prophetic posts are often featured on The Elijah List, and other respected Christian media platforms. 
She is a regular contributor and member of the Australian Prophetic Council, and regularly ministers in churches in Australia and the USA.

Andrew Towe: Is an emerging prophetic voice to this generation!
Andrew and his wife, Brooke are the Lead Pastors of Ramp Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee. His prophetic words are often published on the Elijah List, Charisma Magazine and other media sites.

Pastor Anthony Castro: Pastor of  Living Waters Christian Centre, Campania, Tasmania
Anthony is originally from  Houston Texas. He met his wife, Annette on the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean, where they were both serving the Lord.
They have both ministered in a number of nations in Europe and the Middle East, before being led of the Lord to settle in Tasmania over a decade ago. 
They were involved as part of the ministry team at City Light Church, Kingston - south of Hobart, before pioneering a church in Hobart's northern suburbs. At the start of 2018, the Lord clearly led them to move the church base to Campania, in the southern Midlands of Tasmania - where subsequently, God wonderfully provided 20.5 hectares (50 acres) of rural land, where a church auditorium, missions training centre, and other specialised ministry specific facilities will be established. 
Anthony and Annette have a burden for the lost, and a heart to  reach the nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ - with signs following the ministry of the Word.
They are blessed to have a daughter, Beasley, who is ten.

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