Friday 14 February 2020



It's good news week. 
Someone dropped a bomb somewhere contaminating atmosphere
and blackening the sky.
It's good news week.
Someone's found a way to give
the rotting dead a will to live, go on and never die......

These are the opening words of a one-hit wonder song from 1965 called "It's Good News Week" by British band "Hedgehoppers Anonymous".

Or, who can remember the classic hit from Barry McGuire "Eve Of Destruction" from 1965:
The eastern world, it is explodin', violence flarin', bullets loadin',
You're old enough to kill, but not for votin',
You don't believe in war, but what's that gun you're totin'
And even the Jordan River has bodies floatin'

But you tell me over and over and over again my friend
Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction

Don't you understand what I'm tryin' to say?
Can't you see the fear that I'm feeling today?
If the button is pushed, there's no running away
There'll be none to save with the world in a grave
Take a look around you, boy, it's bound to scare you, boy

But you tell me over and over and over again my friend
Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.....

The 1960's was a tumultuous time with the Vietnam War looming large on the landscape throughout the decade. Early in the 60's the Cuban Missile Crisis was a cause for much fear and foreboding, with many believing at the time that the world was on the brink of World War 3. This was the time of the Cold War.

Fast forward sixty years to 2020, and Guess What? The world situation is not only still bad, but is getting worse exponentially. The threat of Communism has decreased, yet still has strongholds in China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam.
Renewed tensions have arisen between Russia and the West in recent years. 

In the intervening decades, we have seen numerous wars in Africa, Asia and parts of Europe with untold casualties and misery. There have been despotic dictators such as Pol Pot of Cambodia and Idi Amin in Uganda who have been driven by satanic powers to exterminate millions of their own people. 
We have seen economic crises on a grand scale. There have been catastrophic natural disasters in many parts of the world, again leaving trails of destruction and human misery. There have been disease pandemics or threats of the same - in the early 2,000's the SARS virus appeared, causing alarm in some countries. It was, fortunately, quickly contained. 

In 2014, the Ebola virus created fear in many, not only in West Africa nations hit badly by this virus, but in other nations, fearing those visiting these African nations may return to infect many in their home countries with this often deadly viral infection.
As of writing this, the world faces a new threat of a possible pandemic with a new viral strain, believed to have originated in markets in China selling wild animals for food - the Corona virus.

The scourge of the evil ideology of radical Islam has taken prominence as the major protagonist threatening world peace, even though the religion of Islam is touted by its followers and dhimmi politicians and Main Stream Media as the religion of peace. In fact, it is not radical Islam that has caused the vast majority of terrorist attacks since 9/11, responsible for the murder of tens of thousands of people - but Islamic fundamentalists who are merely living by the teachings of their false prophet, Muhammed through his writings in the Qu'ran and various hadiths and other writings. They are strictly speaking, not radical Muslims but Muslim fundamentalists. (For further reading on this topic, one book I can recommend is "The Barbarians Are Here" by Dr Michael Youssef, Senior Pastor of Church of the Apostles in Atlanta, Georgia - himself an Egyptian by birth, who has lived in the Middle East and known first hand, the oppression that comes from Islam).
Peace, to Muslim, at least to the fundamentalist Muslim, is submission to Allah, their false god - forced conversion to Islam, or death to the infidel as the alternative. Oh, what peace!?!?

Perhaps what should be an even greater cause for fear is the god of Political Correctness that the majority (apparently) of our politicians at a federal and state level (here in  Australia) as well as the bulk of the MSM (Main Stream Media) bow down to - bending over backwards to not offend Muslims, and one of the other radical main players today, the homosexual activist lobby. The LGBTQI.....XYZ activists are waging a relentless war against the traditional definition of marriage between one man and one woman - and the nuclear family unit, headed by a mother and a father (male and female to remove any ambiguity). 

Ultimately, this is a Satan-"inspired" war on Christians and the eternal changing Word of the Living God. As the apostle Paul proclaimed in Romans 1: the sin of homosexuality is "exchanging the truth of God for the lie, and worshipping and serving the creature than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. (Homosexual Practice). END OF STORY!

And, that's where I will stop for this first part of my current blog theme!
More coming soon! 

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