Wednesday 19 June 2024



    In 1970, Hal Lindsey published a book called "The Late Great Planet Earth" through Zondervan Press. The New York Times declared it to be the bestselling nonfiction book of the 1970's. It was adapted into a 1978 film narrated by Orson Welles. It has been described as a treatment of literalist, premillenial, dispensational eschatology. In other words, it deals with the literal Biblical prophetic events leading up to, and including what is referred to as the Rapture of the church, the Great Tribulation, and the Second Coming of Christ to establish His thousand year (millenial) reign on Earth - as prophesied in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
As a young Christian, I also recall that a musical album was produced by Cam Floria and the Continental Singers, called "It's Getting Late (For The Planet Earth)." I had a copy of this album at the time, although listening online recently to a couple of the songs, it sounds a little dated and even "corny" now.
As a young Christian in the seventies, I also remember meeting Barry Smith, a New Zealand evangelist, who, with his Samoan wife and children travelled to many parts of Australia, New Zealand and Pacific islands presenting the Gospel of salvation in Jesus, majoring on preaching concerning end-time prophetic events as mentioned above in Hal Lindsey's book.
Barry Smith was, at the heart of his ministry, an evangelist, whose motivation in presenting last days scenario teaching was to lead people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, that they would have full assurance of salvation for eternity. His ministry was not without controversy, as he talked about the coming one world government, and even suggested particular people of interest to watch closely - as possible candidates for the Antichrist, whom the Bible states will lead the world, aided by one the Bible calls the false prophet (Revelation 13:11-18). He named Henry Kissinger as a person of interest, although he did say very clearly in his meetings: "If anyone goes away from this meeting, and says Barry Smith stated that Henry Kissinger is the Antichrist, I will be very angry."
    Well, as we now know, Kissinger died in November last year at the age of 100, so he is definitely out of the picture.


If you thought the volume of sales for "The Late Great Planet Earth" was impressive, a 16 book series in the 90's under the title: "Left Behind," starting with the first book in 1995, written by Baptist pastor Tim La Haye, and aided by bestselling author, Jerry Jenkins, had sales of nearly eighty million worldwide. These books were fictional but captured in print, what Tim La Haye believed to be  real life possibilities as the Bible prophecies of the end-times played out, beginning with the Rapture, or the "catching away" of all those who had put their trust in Jesus Christ for salvation.
For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First the believers who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever. So encourage each other with these words.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 New Living Translation
The last six volumes in the "Left Behind" series debuted as Number One on all the major publishing lists including "The New York Times," "USA Today," "Publishers Weekly," and the "Wall Street Journal."
Several "Left Behind" films have also been produced, inspired by these books.

When I was first introduced to this end-times teaching in the seventies as a young believer in Christ, as much as I wanted to believe that these events would play out, according to the accounts in Scripture, the possibility of there being a one world government led by one man whom the Bible refers to as the Antichrist seemed to me to be unimaginable. Every nation appeared to have proud national autonomy, with their own distinctive leadership - some democratic, others autocratic - many with governments and leaders elected by the populous, others ruled with an iron fist by despotic dictators. I just could not imagine the possibility really of all nations agreeing to be ruled by one world leader!
Yet, that is exactly what the Bible portrays will happen! 
For many Bible-believing Christians, the last four years since the world was forever changed by the global health crisis triggered by the COVID 19 virus, has brought into much clearer focus the reality that we are on track to see a one world government led by a world leader. The response to the Covid pandemic was, in many ways, played out in similar ways throughout the nations, with enforced lockdowns, mandated Covid "jabs" as the vaccinations were dubbed - with boosters upon boosters required with often, no, or at least very little preventive benefit - and even worse, significant numbers of adverse reactions, and premature deaths.
There are those who scoff at the alarm being raised concerning adverse effects of the "jabs," but increasingly, authorities in at least some countries, are seeking to investigate honestly the statistics of those who have thus suffered.
Then there is the specter of the climate change narrative, with carefully convincingly choreographed comment from the United Nations body, the IPCC - International Panel for Climate Change. Dire predictions of global warming and disastrous effects on the environment forecast, continually bombard our senses and sensibilities with carbon dioxide "pollution" being the prince of environmental demons.
As has been stated, Australia, where we live produces something in the order of just 1% of global CO2 emissions. However, the pressure is unending to convert from fossil fuel energy (coal and gas - both of which our Creator God provided for our use) to "clean, green" energy - solar and wind power etc.
There is increasing pressure for all countries to conform to dictates from bodies such as the United Nations. Much has been said about the UN's 2030 Agenda.
Also, we must not forget to highlight the nation of Israel - a central player in all that the Bible lays out as being end-time events. It might seem like science-fiction to non-Christians, and even to the majority of Jewish people who have not recognised Jesus Christ as their Messiah - that one day, Jesus will return to rule and reign over all the earth from the city of Jerusalem as King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords, as the Bible states in Revelation 17:14 and 19:16.


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