On the Day of Pentecost, fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus, the Holy Spirit was poured out on the 120 believers gathered together in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. When the people heard them speaking in tongues, which the Bible tells us were known languages recognized by people dwelling there at that time from every nation under heaven, the apostle Peter, together with the eleven other apostles, stood up to address the crowd, saying: "Men of Judea, and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and heed my words. For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:
'And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days,
And they shall prophesy.
I will show wonders in heaven above
And signs in the earth beneath:
Blood and fire and vapor of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the great and awesome day of the Lord.
And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD
Shall be saved.' Acts 2:14-21 NKJV
If this prophecy of Joel concerning the last days outpouring of the Holy Spirit was fulfilled around 2,000 years ago, then surely it must still, and even more so, be relevant today. Many discerning church leaders have stated with a sense of Holy-Spirit led conviction that we are living in the last of the last days before Jesus returns for His church, in what is known as the Rapture, after which there will be a seven-year period called the Great Tribulation on earth - the time of God's wrath being poured out, followed by Jesus coming back to rule and reign from Jerusalem over all the earth as King of kings and Lord of lords, for one thousand years.
The same Holy Spirit who indwelt Jesus while He was on earth, from age 30 now dwells in all believers who are born again of the Spirit of God. The Baptism of (or with) the Holy Spirit is a subsequent impartation of God's supernatural power and revelation available to every believer, as Jesus stated in Acts 1:8 "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Since the time of the Protestant Reformation led by people such as Martin Luther and John Calvin, until the present time, God has been restoring truth to the Church of Jesus Christ that was all but lost after the first couple of centuries of the church age.
As was stated in the first blog post in this series, at the turn of the last century, the truth concerning the Baptism of the Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues began to be restored to some sections of the church. A man named Charles Fox Parham is credited with playing a major part in this revelation and restoration to the church - to those who woud believe and by faith receive the promised gift of the Holy Spirit to empower for service.
(June 4, 1873 - January 29, 1929)
He was an American preacher and evangelist. Together with William J. Seymour, Parham was one of two central figures in the development and the initial spread of early Pentecostalism, known as Holiness Pentecostalism. He associated glossolalia or speaking in tongues with the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. He was the first preacher since the time of the early church in Acts to articulate the distinctive doctrine of evidential tongues and to expand the movement.
He began to conduct his first Christian services at the age of 15. He studied at a Methodist Bible college from 1890-1893.
He left the Methodist Church in 1895 because he disagreed with its hierarchy. He complained that Methodist preachers "were not left to preach by direct inspiration." He established his own itinerant evangelistic ministry.
He preached divine healing and prayer for the sick, after he and his son, Claude had been healed by what he believed to be divine intervention.
In Topeka, Kansas, he established the Bethel Healing Home and also published the Apostolic Faith magazine.
Because of his tremendous success with Bethel, many began to urge Parham to open a Bible school. After shutting himself away to fast and pray, in October of 1900, he obtained a beautiful structure in Topeka, Kansas for the purpose of beginning a Bible school, and called it "Stone's Folly."
When Stone's Folly was dedicated, a man looked out from the Prayer Tower and saw a vision above Stone's Folly of "a vast lake of fresh water about to over-flow, containing enough to satisfy every thirsty need." It would prove to be a sign of things to come.
The Bible school was open to every Christian minister and believer, who was willing to "forsake all." They were to arrive willing to study the Word deeply and believe God for all their personal needs. The student's faith was their only tuition; everyone was to believe that God would supply their needs.
Parham gave his students a historical assignment. While studying the Book of Acts, they were to diligently study the Bible's evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit and report on their findings in three days. On the morning the assignment was due, Parham listened to the reports of forty students and was astonished by what he heard. While different manifestations of the Spirit occurred during the outpouring at Pentecost in Acts, every student had arrived at the same general conclusion: Every recipient baptized by the Holy Spirit spoke in other tongues!
Charles Parham opened a new Bible school in Houston, Texas in 1905. Parham's schools were never meant to be theological seminaries. They were training centres where the truths of God were taught in the most practical manner - with prayer a key ingredient. Many ministers left his school to serve God throughout the world.
It was in Houston that Parham met Wiliam J. Seymour. Up to this time, the Jim Crow laws forbid blacks and whites from attending school together. And Parham's meetings were segregated, but it was because blacks didn't ask to attend the schools, that is until Seymour. Seymour's humility and hunger for the Word so moved Parham that he decided to ignore the racist rules of the day. Seymour was given a place in the school where he experienced revolutionary truths on the baptism in the Holy Spirit. William Seymour would later become leader of the Azusa Street Mission in Los Angeles, California.
NEXT TIME: William J. Seymour (The Catalyst Of Pentecost)
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